BUWFC Vixens Forwards


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Relle Zimmermann - BUWFC Media Secretary

I joined Bradford Women's Football club in my second year of University.

After being part of the team I've made a lot of new friends and have kept myself fit and healthy!


Juliette Quersin

I started playing for Bradford when I came to Bradford Uni in 2017 as an exchange student for my masters.

I played for my home university a few years ago, and I loved the team spirit. I remember wanting to join the team because the girls seemed like an old group of friends playing together. After joining, I found exactly what I had imagined; a great atmosphere, girls wanting to improve, happy to play together.

Joining Bradford, I found the same spirit I loved in my team back home. Initially, I wanted to play a team sport to meet new people, but improving my game wasn't necessarily at the top of my concerns. Turns out I found a great group of friends and I improved my game thanks to them.

Overall, joining a team is the best decision I've made when coming to Uni. I would recommend it to anyone who just wants to make their Uni years even better.